Ongoing Economic Impacts

Ongoing operations at YWG support a total of 17,120 FTEs or person years of employment and $990 million of wages in Manitoba, when multiplier impacts are included. Of this employment, 10,020 FTEs or person years of employment are directly related to the airport. Because employment related to the airport extends far beyond YWG, the total also includes both indirect (approximately 4,370 FTEs) and induced (2,730 FTEs) employment.

Direct person years or FTEs of employment from ongoing operations at YWG (i.e. WAA plus airport tenants and directly related offsite firms) grew by 5%, from about 9,550 to 10,020 between 2016 and 2019.

YWG contributes to the provincial economy as well. The significance of the airport is demonstrated by the direct economic impact of the airport on GDP and economic output in the Province of Manitoba, measured at $1,260 million and $2,920 million, respectively. Including indirect and induced impacts, the total impacts are approximately $2,060 million and $4,320 million, respectively, province wide. Figure 6-1 summarizes these 2019 economic impacts in total.

Figure 6‑1: Annual Total Ongoing Economic Impact of YWG in Manitoba, 2019

Table: EIR_2020_YWG-YWG2019EIiReport-6

Note: Totals may not sum due to rounding.
Note: Dollar figures are expressed in 2019 prices.